paus romanus bahasa Inggris
- paus: pope; popes; pontiff; the holy father; whale;
- romanus: romanus
- romanus melodus: romanos the melodist
- romanus (uskup rochester): romanus (bishop of rochester)
- romanus dari kaisarea: romanus of caesarea
- paus: pope; popes; pontiff; the holy father; whale; vicar of christ; holy father; pontificate; suborder mysticeti; cetus; roman catholic pope; papacy; catholic pope; bishop of rome; mysticeti; pontifical;
- abdikasi paus: papal renunciation
- anti-paus: antipope; antipopes
- bulla paus: papal bull
- daftar paus: popes
- daging paus: whale meat
- ekor paus: whale tail
- hiu paus: whale shark
- ikan paus: whale
- kedudukan paus: papacy
- The municipality is named after Pope Romanus, who was pope from August to November 897.
Paus Romanus adalah Paus Gereja Katolik Roma sejak Agustus 897 hingga November 897.